“Free interactive worksheets pdf with every unique game” | “National culture quiz coming soon”
“Free interactive worksheets pdf with every unique game” | “National culture quiz coming soon”


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Yes, we offer offline board/card games ensuring 100% screen free learning
We employ the unconscious learning and socio-emotional learning method improving the learning outcome while reducing stress, anxiety, and gadget addiction
Orders below 500 rupees include a shipping fee of 50 INR
Children needs to be prepared for life situations, handle emotions well, be resilient, socially and culturally aware. Panchkosh Vikas is the need of the hour rather than just focussing on marks obtained in exam and development of only IQ.
The focus and engagement of children while they play is 100% which helps them learn faster. Games promote communication, identification, picture recognition, event memory and thereby help learning in all types of learners.
The minimum recommended age for our products varies and is 6, 7, 8 and 9 years. However, all our games are family games suitable for parents and grandparents
Yes, we believe learning occurs through repetition, practise and focus. This is the reason we provide a FREE unique, creative worksheet pdf which promotes learning and motivates the child to play more, and learn more
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Yes we deliver PAN India
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